We are now also supporting Bea WebLogic Server 10.0.  Currently Bea WebLogic 10.0 did not support all the functionality as specified in the JEE spec. Particularly the Web Service implementation is not completed so if you try to deploy the Imixs IX JEE Workflow components you need some modifications.

As there are some restrictions in Bea WebLogic 10.0 concerning the Web Service Functionality you could run into problems during deployment of the IX JEE Workflow components on Bea. But it is possible to run Imixs IX Workflow on Bea 10.0.
If you like to deploy the Imixs IX JEE Workflow components on a Bea WebLogic Server 10.0 there are some things you must pay attention to.
First we recommend to remove the WebService implementations
– org.imixs.workflow.jee.ejb.ModelServiceManagerImplementation
– org.imixs.workflow.jee.ejb.WorkflowServiceManagerImplementation
from the deployment.

Then it is useful to integrate the workflow model in a programmatic way inside you Application. We are also supporting helpful component for this.

In general you can build your ear module like described in the chapters Deployment . But as Bea WebLogic 10.0 did not support all the functionality as specified in the JEE spec you need do some modifications. We published a description about the procedure here.

Additional we are supporting a new branch of the IX JEE Workflow for Bea WebLogic. You can checkout this branch on the Subversion Repository on The branch also supports the maven configuration management.

If you have questions about IX Workflow and Bea WebLogic please give us your feedback.


Since two months we are member of the community. We moved our project to the Imixs IX Workflow is mainly focused on Java Technologies. So the is a suitable place for our project.

As our newest subproject Imixs JEE Workflow is mainly developed on Glassfish Server we are also supporting a lot of deployment tips for Glassfish. So you will find now all the informations on one place.

We moved also the sources to which were hosted before on Sourceforge.