Imixs Workflow 3.1.4 Released

With the latest version of the Open Source Workflow Engine Imixs Workflow the project published a stable and scalable framework for the Java Enterprise architecture. The new release includes several bug fixes and provides new features and functionality.
With the new Business-Rule Plug-in it is now possible to add custom business rules into a workflow model. Business rules can extend the capabilities of a business process in various kinds. Imixs Workflow allows to write a business rule in any script language – like JavaScript Groovy Scala, JRuby, or Clojure.

In addition, the new version of Imixs Workflow is now offering a new calendar based version of the Imixs Workflow Scheduler. With this module, workflows can be triggered time-controlled. A new configuration interface allows to provide timer events in a calendar based format. This method is already known from the chron-jobs of Linux and provides a more flexible way to control event based business processes.
Addition to various minor improvements the exception handling has been extended and adapted. This now allows to implement business processes faster and adapt business logic more flexible way.


Today we deployed the next release 3.1.2. This release includes bug fixes concerning the follow-up issue from the WorkflowKernel. In addition the WorkflowKernel now supports also a new feature to unregister plug-ins. The ItemCollection supports additional type-save getter methods and provides additional type check methods. This makes the ItemCollection more flexible to use when converting property types.

See the change log for more details: Imixs Change Log


Today we released the new version 3.1.1 of the Imixs Workflow engine. This release includes several bug fixes and enhancements to the plug-in API. The new version now supports full HTML Mails. The Mail Plug-In API was extended and provides more flexibility also in adapting the Mail functionality. The size of a search result provided by the Lucene Plug-In can now be limited.

In addition this new release now provides CDI Support for all workflow plug-ins. This extension simplifies the way to write custom workflow plug-ins or extend existing plug-ins.

The Imixs REST Service API was extended and supports a new post-method to receive processed form data in JSON format. This can be used in conjunction with jQuery used in the Imixs Script module.

CDI Support in EAR

There are currently some restriction in using CDI beans provided in different jars contained in one EAR. So see also the following discussions:

Why we need Workflow Engines…

Building robust scalable business applications becomes more and more efficient since the Java Enterprise standard (Java EE) has reached a level where developers can concentrate on the business logic and not about all the backend stuff like database management or security issues.
So from this point it easy today to setup a new business application in short time with reasonable effort. The Java Persistence API (JPA) provides a natural way to map the business objects from the real world into a software system. The JAAS Standard makes it easy to add security. And with different connectors we can connect a business application also to existing applications to exchange any kind of data. So it seems that everything is prepared for developing big business applications. Why should we think about managing the business process? Isn’t it easy enough to add all the required information into our business objects as simple attributes? Continue reading “Why we need Workflow Engines…”


The new release of Imixs Workflow includes now full JEE6 support and also CDI integration. This considerably simplifies the integration of the Imixs Workflow components in any kind of java enterprise business application.
Web developers will benefit from the new version of Imixs Workflow Faces in a special way. The new release 3.1.1 provides a JSF integration based on jQuery. Developers can use the possibilities of JSF and Facletes while leveraging the full power of jQuery and jQuery-UI.
The imixs-workflow-jax-rs component provides a RESTservice API for exchanging workflow data with other applications – e.g Eclipse BIRT. On the other hand it is possible to integrate the Imixs Workflow using Ajax.

Released components:

  • imixs-workflow-core-3.1.0
  • imixs-workflow-engine-3.1.0
  • imixs-workflow-jax-rs-3.1.0
  • imixs-workflow-faces-3.1.1

How to analyse the SQL data for an Imixs Workflow Entity

The data of an Imixs entity object is stored in a set of datatables based on the JPA objects provided by the imixs-workflow-engine module.

In some cases it can be interesting to verify the values of an ItemCollection separated into the SQL datatables which are used to select sub sets of entities. If you know the $Uniqueid of a ItemCollection you can select the values using a SQL statement on your SQL database like this:

select * from TEXTITEM 
where ID IN (select textItems_ID 
             from ENTITY_TEXTITEM 
             where Entity_ID='13b334b3e6e-f9b13d6')

In this example all text values for an entity with the $Uniqueid ’13b334b3e6e-f9b13d6′ are returned.


Imixs Workflow is a powerful BPM framework to build robust and scalable business applications on top of the Java Enterprise platform.
The latest release 3.0.3 provides a new Plug-In to integrate business rules in long running business processes. This Plug-In provides a new way to implement complex business workflows even faster.
The release includes also an update of the Workflow Admin Client to manage running process instances. The Imixs Workflow engine, which is based on the Java EE specification, provides a lot of enhancements concerning optimistic locking, exception handling and the introduction of additional remote interfaces.
Also the Imixs REST service API includes different enhancements which can be used togehter with workflow clients based on JavaScript frameworks like jQuery.

How to integrate Workflows into Business Applications

Integrating a workflow engine into a business application provides a lot of benefits in implementing a variable business process. The goal of such an integration is to find a flexible way changing the business process and the behaviour of a business application without reimplementing or changing a single line of code.

There are in general tree different kinds of possible integration scenarios. Continue reading “How to integrate Workflows into Business Applications”

Model-Binding versus Method-Binding

The common way to implement an Imixs Workflow application is to bind a business object to a workflow model and process it by calling the Imixs Workflow engine.

  WorkflowService wfm;
  ItemCollection workitem=new ItemCollection();
  // set model data
  workitem.replaceItemValue("$modelversion", "1.0.0");
  workitem.replaceItemValue("$processid", 100);
  workitem.replaceItemValue("$activityid", 10);
  // process workitem

We call this a ‘model-binding’ because you bind your business object during the development of your application to a workflow model. This means that you typical first design your workflow model and after that you start implementing your application. So as a developer you know the model and can assign a possible workflow activity into your business object. Imixs Workflow provides different methods to compute the possible workflow activities during runtime so you are not forced to hard code the activities in your code.


But in some cases you might need to follow a different strategy. In a scenario where the modeling process takes place very late, you may not be able to bind your business objects to an workflow activity by assigning an activityID. This situation occurs when you first develop your business methods, and then need to link them to workflow activities of a workflow model. This means that the method call itself identifies the activity in the workflow model to be processed by the workflow engine. So each method call is bound to an workflow activity. We call it the ‘method-binding’. To provide an appropriate model, the process designer need to know the different business methods implemented from the workflow application. So he can bind the method-name directly to the workflow activities of a workflow model.

This kind of late binding enforces to work with Interceptor classes. This concept is a common way in Java EE to implement cross-cutting functionality. So the solution here is to intercept the call of a business method and find the corresponding workflow activity in a model. Then you can process the business object.


   WorkflowService wfm;
   ItemCollection workitem=findWorkitem();
   ItemCollection activity=findActivityByMethod(workitem,methodName); 
  // set activityid
  workitem.replaceItemValue("$activityid", activity.getItemValueInteger("numActivityID");
  // process workitem