With the latest version of the Open Source Workflow Engine Imixs Workflow the project published a stable and scalable framework for the Java Enterprise architecture. The new release includes several bug fixes and provides new features and functionality.
With the new Business-Rule Plug-in it is now possible to add custom business rules into a workflow model. Business rules can extend the capabilities of a business process in various kinds. Imixs Workflow allows to write a business rule in any script language – like JavaScript Groovy Scala, JRuby, or Clojure.
In addition, the new version of Imixs Workflow is now offering a new calendar based version of the Imixs Workflow Scheduler. With this module, workflows can be triggered time-controlled. A new configuration interface allows to provide timer events in a calendar based format. This method is already known from the chron-jobs of Linux and provides a more flexible way to control event based business processes.
Addition to various minor improvements the exception handling has been extended and adapted. This now allows to implement business processes faster and adapt business logic more flexible way.
Read more on http://www.imixs.org