The latest version 2.1.0 of the Imixs Workflow and the Imixs Java EE Workflow components are now final released! The new version includes a bunch of updates and new features.

Also the 2.1.0 release is now supporting Java EE 6 and is tested with Glassfish V3 Application Server! Therefor the deployment is simplified and now it is much more easy to use the components in your own Java EE project. It’s easy to integrate the Imixs Workflow Engine into your web project and build a scalable, transactional, robust and simple deployable Java EE Workflow System.

Check out the Imixs Workflow and build your business application in a fast and easy way now.

Read more about the project on the Imixs Project site.

Or read the Quick guide how to install the sample application on a Glassfish V3 or Glassfish V2.1 application server.

We also provide a blog with a tutorial to get an overview about the project.

Also components of the Imixs Workflow Project are now provided as Maven artifacts in the central maven repository. This makes it much more easy to use the components in your projects if you are working with maven.


In the upcoming new release 2.0.2 the Imixs JEE Workflow provides – among other things a new Web Service implementation which will become much more flexible. Now as the Imixs XML API is fully based on JAXB the SOAP Web Services and the REST Web Services are separated into web modules. This makes is much more easy to use these interfaces in workflow projects as the deployment strategy has changed. As announced the new release will run on JEE5 (Glassfish 2.1) as also under JEE6 (Glassfish 3). And also the deplyoment becomes more flexible as you are now no longer forced to deploy all web service modules together with your application.

The project documentation will be extended in the near future with an additional section for XML & Web Services.

You can check out the current 2.0.2-SNAPSHOT release from the Subversion repository. See also the new snapshot releases of imixs-workflow-xml, imixs-workflow-rest and imixs-workflow-soap. If you have any comments or questions please post the in the Imixs Forum.


We are currently working on the next Release 2.0.2 of the Imixs JEE Workflow Engine. The new release will support JEE6 and Glassfish 3. It includes also extended Rest Service API and some additional bug fixes. See the Issue tracker for more details or check out the current Snapshot Sources.


The latest version 2.3.1 of the Eclipse based Imixs Workflow Modeler is now released.
The new version includes different bug fixes and improvements in usability like the “new Report Wizard” and a new design of the modeler perspective.

The new release includes also additional updates:

  • Imixs Workflow Modeler – 2.3.1.v200911181830
  • Imixs Workflow Modeler Integration Plug-in – 2.2.7.v200911181830
  • Imixs Workflow Report Plug-in –  1.0.1.v200911181830

Read more:


The new version of the IX Modeler for Eclipse is now available!

The new relase 2.2.9 of the Basic module and  2.2.6 of the Integration module includes a lot of enhancements of the user interface. The management of Process and Activity properties is now extended by a new property editor concept. All properties are now managed using the “Tabbed Properties View Extension Points”. This allows you to extend the IX Workflow Modeler in your Software projectes much faster as you can now use the eclipse standard extention point for tabbed properties.

The new version was tested with Eclipse 3.4.2 for Windows and Linux.


As we were often ask about the licensing of of the Imixs Open Source Workflow which is subject to the General Public License (GPL). I want to give you today a short idea how your own individual Software project is affected form this license when you are using the Imixs Workflow components.

Assuming that you plan to develop an individual software system using the Imixs Workflow System you have to take care about the subject of GPL. But since your software project is no workflow management system or a pure workflow engine, like the Imixs Workflow itself, there is no reason to worry about the GPL. You are free to use the Imixs Workflow components implementing any kind of business process application.
In contrast if you enhance or modify components of the Imixs Workflow Implementation or you implement a derived unit you are constrained to leave this code also under GPL.
Our goal is to avoid that someone restrict the purpose of the Imixs Workflow Software. Everyone is free to use the Imixs Workflow as free software in the manner of the Free Software Foundain (

So we appreciate everybody who plan to use the Imixs Workflow in an individual Software Project. You be bound to inform your users and customer that Imixs Workflow is fee software under GPL. This means that he will receive also the source code (of the Imixs Workflow) or can get it if he want it. He can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs.
If you enhance the Imixs Workflow you are bound to leave this code again under GPL and share your experience with the community.

So we did not restrict you in your freedom to develop software and business applications using the Imixs Workflow. We also did not restrict your freedom to distribute your software or charge for service if you wish.
Free Software is about to exchange experience and knowledge, not to restrict other people in there freedom to use it.