The new release of Imixs Workflow includes now full JEE6 support and also CDI integration. This considerably simplifies the integration of the Imixs Workflow components in any kind of java enterprise business application.
Web developers will benefit from the new version of Imixs Workflow Faces in a special way. The new release 3.1.1 provides a JSF integration based on jQuery. Developers can use the possibilities of JSF and Facletes while leveraging the full power of jQuery and jQuery-UI.
The imixs-workflow-jax-rs component provides a RESTservice API for exchanging workflow data with other applications – e.g Eclipse BIRT. On the other hand it is possible to integrate the Imixs Workflow using Ajax.
Released components:
- imixs-workflow-core-3.1.0
- imixs-workflow-engine-3.1.0
- imixs-workflow-jax-rs-3.1.0
- imixs-workflow-faces-3.1.1