This week we released the new version 3.6 of Imixs-Workflow. Version 3.6.1 includes several bug fixes and new features:
- The AccessPlugin is now no longer merging the acl settings from process and activity entities
- The OwnerPlugin supports now updating owner settings on task level
- The ldap- and mail-plugins are moved into the new Imixs-Adapter project
- New Lucene-Plugin provides an improved concurrency behavior
- BPMNModelHandler did no longer import extensions with the property txtname
- ModelService – findEnvironmentEntity – bugfix query implementation
- LoginController supports now a better testing of user roles
- Support Java 8 Compatibility (Scriptengine-Switch from Rhino to Nashorn)
- BPMN Parser is now supporting collaboration diagrams with multiple workflow groups
The new release is also part of the latest version of Imixs-Office-Workflow.