We are excited to announce that we have released today the latest version of Open-BPMN. The new release 1.2.3 of the open-source BPMN Modelling Tool includes a lot new features and fixes. Open-BPMN in its new version supports additional Event Definition Elements and the DataStore object.

Import of Camunda Models
Open-BPMN is now also able to import BPMN models created with bpmn.io from the camunda project. Importing such kind of models sometimes revealed problems if the model did not contain a public process. Open-BPMN detects now this situation and automatically add the missing elements.
A public Process represents the interactions between a private Business Process within a Pool or another Participant (see example). A public process typically shows to the outside world the Messages, and the order of these Messages, that are needed to interact with a specific Business Process. Public Processes can be modeled separately or within a Collaboration to show the flow of Messages between the public Process Activities and other Participants. Open-BPMN supports this kind of models.
The Open Source Workflow Engine Imixs-Workflow is built on Open-BPMN and allows the execution of complex business processes. Imixs Workflow offers a comprehensive suite of modules and adapters for digitalizing enterprise business processes. This includes interfaces, analysis modules, document management functionality, and AI integration. For small and medium-sized companies, the Imixs-Office-Workflow management suite provides an easy entry point to business process management, free from vendor lock-in and unpredictable license costs.